try here tune-up and inspects it for any damages. The drain pan sits beneath the evaporator coil inside your indoor AC unit. When warm air passes over the cold evaporator coils, condensation forms and drips off the coil.The safest option kan zijn to have a furnace tune-up once a year, just before the cold months, and one air conditioner tune-up ieder year, just before the hot months. Whenever you schedule tune-ups, it’s recommended that they happen around the same time each year.It’s only when there’s a leak that refrigerant will need to be added, either periodically if the leak isn’t fixed, or a single time once the leak has been repaired.When your HVAC system is regularly maintained, you can prevent frequent AC repair issues; increase system efficiency; and extend your system's lifespan by preventing dirt, corrosion, and replacing costly parts before the damage becomes significant.We recommend changing out those filters at least four times a year to do this properly. A household with a pet or a member prone to allergies or asthma should change its air filters every six weeks. How dirty kan zijn your air filter? As a help to check these guys out you, wij have a guide to changing your AC filters if you aangezien to learn more.Professional Recommendations: As experts in the field, our technicians are well-equipped to provide personalized advice on how to optimize your AC system’s performance and ensure its longevity.